Town Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 29, 2017




                                        March 29, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.     

First Selectman, Christina Mailhos read the call of the meeting and asked for nominations for a moderator. Kim Kowalyshyn made a motion to appoint Suzanne Chapman as moderator and was seconded by Rich Maloney.

Motion carried.

The moderator announced that the vote would be done with paper ballots at the end of the discussion of Item II.

Moderator  read Item I.

Item I

Should the Town of Willington repeal the current ordinance regarding the term of an elected Town Clerk and replace with an ordinance regarding an appointed Town Clerk?  

A motion was made by Christina Mailhos and seconded by Mark Palmer to approve Item I.

Discussion followed.

First Selectman Mailhos said it would be a good time to change to an appointed town clerk instead of elected as the currant town clerk will be retiring at the end of her term in January 2018.

There are pros and cons elected versus appointed.  Selectman Blessington prefers a resident holding the position as an elected town clerk and was concerned that it would just be a stepping stone until something better in another town became available.


As an appointed town clerk the Board of Selectmen can monitor the position.  They could manage salary, benefits and hours.  Certification is a requirement which can only be done by being a town clerk or assistant town clerk through the Connecticut Town Clerk’s Association classes which takes a total of 3 years. Within the state there are appointed or elected town clerks.

Motion carried as a paper ballot count 19 yes and 11 no.

Moderator  read Item II.

Item II

“Shall the position of Town Clerk be appointed to a four year term by the Board of Selectmen effective January 8, 2018?”

A motion was made by Kim Kowalyshyn and seconded by Robin Campbell to approve Item II.

Discussion followed

The term needs to stay as a four year term with a beginning date and an ending as appointed position.

Motion carried as a paper ballot count 20 yes 11no.


A motion was made by Peter Tanaka and seconded by Kim Kowalyshyn to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna J. Hardie

Willington Town Clerk

Dated  March 30, 2017