Board of Selectmen

Are You Willing to Put the Willing in Willington?

The Town of Willington has a number of opportunities for citizens looking to volunteer for our community. Do you have a special interest, skill or knowledge you are willing to share? We have opportunities on many of our Boards and Commissions, as well as at our non-profit organizations. Read on to see if something interests you:

  • Willington Day is an important part of our small Town. The Committee is looking for additional members to help plan the event, which is always held on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. The Committee will start meeting in January.
  • Our local businesses are important to the future of Willington. If you agree, perhaps you would be willing to serve on the Willington Economic Development Committee and help retain the businesses we have while attracting new ones. We currently have one alternate vacancy  
  • If you have any recommendations for future capital expenditures, The Capital Improvement Program Committee is in need of a regular member for next year’s budget preparations which will begin in November.
  • Do you enjoy going to the Transfer Station and/or have ideas for improvement? We have reorganized our Solid Waste Advisory Committee with new members but still have a regular vacancy as well as an alternate.
  • Do you have an interest in Green Energy? Would you like to help the Town of Willington reduce our energy costs? Consider joining the Energy Advisory Committee. We have three regular member vacancies.  
  • Do you have an interest in open space or land use? We are in need of 5 regular members to serve on the Building Board Code of Appeals and are still looking for two alternate members to serve on our Inland / Wetland Commission and three alternates for our Planning and Zoning Commission. Serving as an alternate member is a great way to learn the ropes on these boards!
  • We have a Safety & Facilities Committee that is looking for new members. Anyone with a background in safety and/or building would be a welcome addition to this committee.
  • Do you have an interest in Willington history or historical buildings? The Historical Society is always looking for new members and the Historic District Commission is looking for someone to serve as an alternate member.
  • The Welcome Sign Committee is waiting to meet. The Committee was put in place to help secure locations, raise funds and oversee the installation of “Welcome to Willington” signs. We are in need of three or more dedicated and organized people to help make Willington more welcoming!

Please contact First Selectman Peter Tanaka at (860) 487-3100 for more information about any of the above positions or fill out the Board & Commissions Questionnaire.

Not interested in formally serving on a Board? There are plenty of other volunteer opportunities with the Willington Public Library, Willington Senior Center, Willington Youth & Family Services, Success SEPTO, Willington PTA, Willington Recreation Commission, the V.F.W., both of our Fire Departments as well as other organizations in Town. Call (860) 487-3100 to find out more about volunteer opportunities and to see if you have an interest or skill that matches up to a need in Town.

As always, thank you for putting the "Willing" in Willington!

Board Members

Name Title
Peter Tanaka First Selectman
G. Matthew Clark Selectman
George A. Marco Selectman
Shannon Rittner Administrative Assistant