Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 30, 2017

Town Office Building                                                                    
January 30, 2017
Lower Level Conference Room*                                                            
6:30 P.M.

First Selectman Mailhos called the meeting to order at 6:30P.M.with Selectmen Kowalyshyn & Blessington, residents and Millard Rose, President of VTH Towns and Schools.   *The meeting was moved from the Common Room to the lower level conference room to accommodate the website presentation.

Budget Workshop

Website upgrade presentation

Millard Rose, President of Virtual Towns & Schools was in attendance.  Mr. Rose stated that Virtual Towns and Schools (VTS) is the largest Government website provider and has been in business for 19 years.  Mr. Rose presented the proposed website upgrade that is available for the Town.  The Town of Willington has been with VTS for about 10+ years.  

The enhancement platform for the software has new options that are not available on the town’s current software, such as integration with social media and several video  linking options as well as useful tools to help keep the website up to date.

Mr. Rose ran a demonstration of the capabilities of the new software and the ease of working it.  The new system also adjusts to any type of device (from a computer to a cell phone) and is user friendly no matter the device. Because it is web based, it can be managed by any web browser and can be updated “on the fly” or on a schedule.

The cost of the platform upgrade is $4,950 and includes design, migration and one day of training.  The cost can also be spread out over multiple fiscal years, if needed.  The yearly fee for the software will remain the same.  The timeframe is about 10-12 weeks for design and migration.  There is also web-based training available included in the cost.  

The Selectmen thanked Mr. Rose for the informative presentation.

Willington Seniors

Representatives from the Willington Senior Center (Joe Piatek, Elizabeth Robertson & William Hodge) were present.  

Mr. Piatek stated that senior center has about 15 line items total for their operations and the budget pretty much remains the same as in years past, with the exception of electricity which is showing an increase of 17.4%. An extra line was created for van maintenance and gas, in the amount of $1,850 as requested. In addition, the van operations line has been increased by $1,000.  Each year, the seniors ask for $1,000 to be put aside to go towards the purchase of a new (bigger) van with handicapped accessible capability.  This year they are requesting $2,000.   Mr. Piatek explained that the seniors also have an existing account that receives donations to go towards the purchase someday.  They have submitted a request in the CIP Plan, and the new van, estimated at about $70,000 would replace either one or both vans they have now.

Lastly, Mr. Piatek stated that the seniors are requesting funding to hire a full time Administrator ($50,000) for the 2018/2019 fiscal year.  Currently they have a volunteer who schedules events and trips.  The primary reasoning is to have someone there to keep the building open for those seniors who wish to access it.   The potential hours for the full time position would be from 9AM – 3PM and the cost is a rough estimate.  The volunteer currently schedules all senior events, which are many during the week; for example trips to Wal Mart, or the casino “lunch bunch” trips, and all meetings, luncheons breakfasts etc.

Selectman Kowalyshyn asked why the electricity line item is showing such an increase.~ Donna stated that she increased it because it had a shortage last year and wanted to true it up.~ First Selectman Mailhos stated that last year, they had a problem, which since has been fixed. ~She then noted all other buildings have remained flat, and thinks that it should follow suit. She then noted that all of the entities who have had the energy upgrades done to their building are going to be looking at the usage on a quarterly basis.~ The other buildings are not tracking that high.~ She then asked Donna to flat line the budget item as she feels the monitoring will help keep the costs lower, and a 17% increase seems high to her.~

Mr. Piatek stated that the senior center is always looking for new members and volunteers.~  The Selectmen thanked the seniors for their time.~

Selectman Kowalyshyn asked the status of the Assessor's request for the personal property audit, which was originally added to the budget for an additional $4,000. Robin Campbell explained that the Assessor has decided to remove and go with the original request of $1,000.

The bottom line shows the Selectmen’s budget up 10.42%. The driving factor is the Public Work’s asphalt request. First Selectman Mailhos stated that she does not want to bring that number to the Board of Finance. First Selectman Mailhos stated that she will talk to the Public Works' Director; and he is already aware that it is where we would look first for reductions.  ~Business Manager Donna Latincsics calculated that they would have to decrease their budget by -$250,000 to bring it down to a 2.8% increase; or -$240,000 to bring it to a 3.1% increase.

Treasurer Tish Ignatowicz added that she is projecting that the Grand List could go down quite substantially (due to the crumbling concrete issues and lowered assessments).  She added that state funding is also still unkown at this time as well. she noted that a lot of adjustments are still going to have to be made as there are a lot of unknowns. ~She then noted that she will present her revenue projections to the Board of Finance in March. ~The Governor's report will be out in February to help her with the projections. ~She then noted that it doesn't ~look promising right now.

First Selectman Mailhos stated that we can at least look into raising our collection rate. ~The Capital Reserve is also up 50% ($189,702). ~Donna Latincsics clarified that it is a planned increase for capital items; which was according to the plan (equal to the growth in the grand list) from year's past. ~First Selectman Mailhos said we may be able to cut some there, but does not want to cut it too much or we won't be able to stick with the plan.

The Selectmen's budget is due to the Board of Finance on Feburary 16th (which will be discussed at the 2/23/17 meeting). The CIP will also be approved at that time. ~ The Selectmen will discuss the budget at the regularly scheduled meeting on February 6th. ~Revenue fees will also be added to that agenda

Performance Contracting (Siemens M&V)

First Selectman Mailhos recapped that the Selectmen have been talking about this for a few months. ~The Boards of Finance and Education have had a chance to discuss options at their meetings and they advised her to discontinue the M&V tracking, which comes at a cost of $4,000 per year. ~In order to cancel, a form letter will be sent to Siemens. ~First Selectman Mailhos stated that she will need approval to sign the acknowledgement letter to discontinue the contract; relieving the Town of payment and relieving Siemens of performing the analysis.

First Selectman Mailhos moved to authorize the First Selectman to sign the cancellation agreement for the Measurement and Valuation with Siemens.~

Selectman Kowalyshyn seconded the motion.

First Selectman Mailhos stated that we have a program in place where we will be tracking the usage ourselves and in addition, a meeting will be held with the key personnel of each of the buildings that are involved (HMS, CES, the TOB, Senior Center and Public Works). ~The tracking will be held quarterly and First Selectman Mailhos said she feels we will have a better handle on it than we did with the M&V.

Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Creating Negotiating Committee for AFSCME Contract

First Selectman Mailhos stated that the union contract will expire on June 30th and we need to create a committee to handle the negotiations. ~She stated in year's past, the three Selectmen, the Business Manager and a member of the Board of Finance participated.  Selectman Blessington asked if we know who will be appointed from the Board of Finance; but we have not heard back from them yet.  Discussion was held on who would be available to meet on the designated dates.

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to create a negotiation committee for the AFSCME Contract comprised of the three Selectmen, Business Manager and a member of the Board of Finance.

Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.

Selectman Blessington stated that he hopes the Board of Finance member has experience in union negotiations.~

Vote: ~3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Appointments to Negotiating Committee for AFSCME Contract

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to appoint the three Selectmen (Christina Mailhos, Kim Kowalyshyn & ~John Blessington); and Business Manager Donna Latincsics to the negotiation committee effective immediatley; expiring once the contract has been executed.

Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.

A Board of Finance member will be appointed at a later date.

Vote: 3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Executive Session – Potential Land acquisition 

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to go into Executive Session regarding a potential land acquisition at 8:07 P.M.

Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.

Vote: ~3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to come out of Executive Session at 8:20 P.M.

Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.

Vote: 3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Selectman Blessington moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 P.M.

First Selectman Mailhos seconded the motion.

Vote:  2 Yes (Mailhos & Blessington) 0 No.


Respectfully submitted,
Robin Campbell
Administrative Assistant