Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Town Office Building                                                                    
February 22, 2017
Lower Level Conference Room                                                             
6:30 P.M.

First Selectman Mailhos called the meeting to order at 6:30P.M.with Selectmen Kowalyshyn & Blessington and residents.  

Approval of minutes:

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to approve the minutes of February 6, 2017.

First Selectman Mailhos seconded the motion

Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Present to speak:

Robert Jellen, Chairman of the Willington Democratic Town Committee was present. He submitted a letter of endorsement to fill the vacant position on the CIP Committee.  Mr. Jellen noted that the Democratic Town Committee voted unanimously to endorse  Liza Makuch to be seated on the Committee.   Mr. Jellen then read a letter, which was addressed to the Selectmen for the endorsement.  (The letter is attached to the minutes).

First Selectman Mailhos noted that the bulk of this year’s work has already been done by the CIP Committee, although they have a few more meetings left to tie up the out years; but it will be good for her to hit the ground running in November, when the discussions start up again.  


  • A list of correspondence was available for the Selectmen.
  • Public Works:
  • Derek reported that the crew has been busy with the following:
  • Roadside mowing
  • Plow/sand roads
  • Make sand/salt mix
  • Push back plow routes
  • Vehicle/equipment repair
  • Cut trees that had fallen during high winds
  • Push up sand/salt deliveries
  • Fill sand boxes at Municipal buildings
  • Remove snow at intersections to improve sight lines
  • Replace catch basin top corner of Laurel/Blair that collapsed during snow storm: (deteriorated) Move snow at Halls School, library
  • Sign Repair
  • Pot hole patching
  • Grade bumps on Michalec & Mihaliak Ext from plow digging into gravel

New Business:

Approve CIP Plan

Donna Latincsics presented the CIP Plan for FY 2017-2018.  She noted that the CIP Committee is still working on the out years and should be finalized shortly.    The plan is submitted for $533,640.  First Selectman Mailhos noted that there are not as many projects on the list this year.

Donna stated that the projects for the upcoming fiscal year are as follows:

$89,801 will be added to the General Reserve

$219,444 will cover debt repayment (library bond, ACO truck lease, SCBA bottles for the fire departments and a wood chipper replacement) and debt payment for public works apparatus purchased in prior years (2 dumps and a pick up as well as a backhoe and a mower).

On-Budget Projects:  totaling: $144,744

HMS exterior trim replacement

TOB support pillars in the Town Clerk/Assessors departments

Paving the Transfer Station parking lot

PW ground spreader controls

Revaluation phase I

Parking lot replacement at WHFD

Donna noted that the other projects that have been put “off budget” have been separated in two categories; LoCIP and Reserve fund.  This includes:

River Road parking lot lights

Old Town Hall floors, walls and window refurbishment (partial funding)

Resident, Randy Belair warned that he thought that the OTH project was cut off of the list.  Donna stated that she would double check.  Robin Campbell clarified that the window project may have been cut, by looking at the number, which was decreased from $55,000 to $18,800.  Donna will check on this.

First Selectman Mailhos noted that we are hopeful that the State will allow us to use the remaining funds from the Turnpike Road STEAP grant to help offset the cost of the site work for the new salt shed; but she noted that she does not see that on the plan.  Donna stated that she believes the CIP Committee is waiting for confirmation that we will be able to use the funding towards the project.

First Selectman Mailhos noted that the $533,640 is a reduction from last year; $20,482 less; and that is based on the Grand List growth; this year it is declining; therefore it was decided not to fund as many capital projects.  She then noted that it is discouraging because she would like to get more things done; but the problem is that we have so many things to do, and the list keeps growing.    Randy Belair noted that there were some projects that were pushed back to the Selectmen’s operating budget.  Donna clarified that if there was money left over at the end of the year, then the money would be able to cover those costs.  First Selectman Mailhos noted that she would rather use the money (if there is any left) towards the upgrade of the website then.

First Selectman Mailhos moved to approve the first year of the CIP plan in the amount of $533,640 to come out of the Operating Budget.

Selectman Kowalyshyn seconded the motion

Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Approve Selectmen’s Budget

First Selectman Mailhos noted that we received a letter from Jim Bulick (Chairman of the Board of Finance) who strongly recommended for the Selectmen to develop a flat budget with 0% increase.

Selectman Kowalyshyn said that she attended the last BOF meeting, and noted that the request was not extended to the Board of Education – as far as she knew.  She had talked with one of the representatives and they did not speak of a letter.   Resident Sarah Smith noted that she wasn’t sure of a letter being received, but was under the impression that the premise of the BOE’s budget was 0 based.   Selectman Blessington noted that the BOE’s budget came in at a 1.5% increase.  

Selectman Kowalyshyn then clarified that she was just asking of they (BOE) got a letter or email similar to what was sent to the Selectmen, asking for a 0% increase; noting that she doesn’t particularly care if they (BOE) did come in at 0; or close to it; noting that she feels they always do a good job with their budgets.  Her concern was why the Selectmen were asked to come in at 0% increase when no one else was sent a letter.

Donna presented run #6 of the budget.  Right now as it stands; it is at a 8.75%.    First Selectman Mailhos asked the Selectmen if we really can get there, and if so; what will we cut?    The number to get to zero is -$288,000.  Selectman Kowalyshyn then noted that the bulk of the money is in Public Works’.  First Selectman Mailhos stated that she talked to Derek and he is aware that some will most likely be cut from paving; but he noted if they cut out a mile or two from the plan, then it is just going to set us back.

The other increase in the budget is the employee insurance.

Selectman Blessington stated the obvious would be to cut the paving budget.  Selectman Kowalyshyn noted that she feels it is important to keep our roads up and would like to do something in the middle.  First Selectman Mailhos stated that Public Works will make anything work; based on the budget we give them.  

Selectman Kowalyshyn then asked if we are considering the Governor’s budget going forward?  First Selectman Mailhos stated she was at a meeting today and most of the town leaders think that the Governor’s budget will not pass as presented, however they still feel that we are all going to get cut one way or another.  She then added that we are not going to be able to go with a 5 mil increase (nor can anyone else); most likely it won’t pass anyway.  If we assume the cut and raise our mil rate to accommodate, we will have taxed everyone too much for nothing and cannot refund it.  One option would be to submit the budget as is and if the cuts on the state end do happen, we would have to put forth a supplemental tax increase in the fall to make up the difference.

Selectman Blessington asked how the teacher’s pensions were covered prior to this year.  Selectman Kowalyshyn stated that the State used to fund it and now they have passed the burden on to the towns.  Robert Jellen clarified that the teachers paid into their pensions during their careers.  He noted that it will bankrupt the towns to the note of $3 million for the implementation.   Selectman Blessington sarcastically stated that since the town hadn’t planned for it, it’s the town’s fault.  He then said there is nothing we can do about it at this point.

Selectman Kowalyshyn said for the last few years we came in at zero budgets (we had the same tax bill for two years in a row) and we should have gone up a little back then – we didn’t know about the crumbling foundations at that time either; but it was so important to come in at a zero budget – we should have invested a little when we could have but we didn’t.  

First Selectman Mailhos asked Mr. Jellen how the Region 19 budget is looking.  Mr. Jellen stated that the R19 BOE is a little late; and the first budget  meeting will be on February 28th.  

The Selectmen looked over the budget and made the following cuts:

The Senior Center’s maintenance line item (paint and water) has been decreased by $2,000.

The Compensated Absences line item has been decreased by $5,000

The paving plan has been decreased by $200,000

The budget is now showing an increase of $81,277;   2.26%

The Selectmen said that there is really no more that they can cut at this point, unless they cut a position; something they do not think can or should be done.    It was noted that the EDC (Economic Development Commission) has requested to place an ad in the paper for the administrative assistant vacancy (part time – 8 hours per week $19 per hour); as they were funded for this fiscal to hire someone.  At this time,  it is uncertain that the position will be funded into the new fiscal year.    It does not make sense to hire someone in April to find out that they could be out of a job in July.  Selectman Blessington stated that they have waited all this time to fill the position, he doesn’t see it as justified.  Selectman Kowalyshyn then asked if Land Use will put in for the assistant position – if it goes through, then that person may be able to assist the EDC.  She then stated that the EDC should seek input from the Board of Finance before they post the job.

Selectman Kowalyshyn then asked if we can give suggestions to the BOF to increase fees, such as perhaps charging use of the Transfer Station which would help offset the increase.  She then asked how about if we charged everyone $25 to use the Transfer Station.  Selectman Blessington stated that is always dangerous.  People may then decide that they want to use a collection service and they won’t use the transfer station.   First Selectman Mailhos added if that happens our fees will go down.

The Selectmen will go ahead with the 2.26% and will ask the BOF for guidance to see if they can find anything that can be cut any further.  Selectman Kowalyshyn then added that they (BOF) can always make those cuts if they so choose.

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to approve the Selectmen’s budget at 2.26% increase $81,227 increase including cuts from run #6 as follows:

-$2,000 Senior Center operations maintenance

-$200,000 Public Works paving

-$5,000 compensated absences

First Selectman Mailhos seconded the motion.

First Selectman Mailhos will write a letter to the Board of Finance, explaining the budget and will include suggestions of options of charging at the Transfer Station (although it is unpalatable, but it is worth mentioning).

Vote:  3 Yes (Mailhos, Kowalyshyn & Blessington) 0 No.

Old Business:

Crumbling Foundation update

First Selectman Mailhos stated that February 27th is going to be known as “Crumbling Foundation Day” at the capitol in Hartford.  The Town has rented a school bus to bring affected residents into Hartford.  The bus will pick residents up at the commuter lot near exit 70 (off of Route 32; near the River Road Athletic Complex) and will leave the parking lot promptly at 8:30 AM.  A rally has been scheduled to begin at 9AM and hearings will begin at 10AM.  The bus will leave Hartford to return to Willington at 12:15 PM.  This will give our residents a chance to be involved.  

First selectman Mailhos stated that several towns are sending buses for their residents convienence into Hartford so they can attend.  Twenty bills are slated to be addressed.  

One of the bills(presented by the Governor)  that is proposed is a loan program; however it does not seem to be favorable by anyone; noting it would be a second mortgage to pay for their homes; twice over; adding insult to injury.

In addition, town leaders have come together to get the ideas and bills outlined and were hopeful that the legislators would incorporate them all into one bill that we all can support; however that hasn’t happened.  She stated it is unfortunate, because we were all hopeful that it would have come to fruition by now

Robert Jellen stated that he spoke with Tim Heim (President of the Connecticut Coalition Against Crumbling Basements) this morning; and people are riled up about this – the state and insurance companies have known about this problem for 15 years or possibly more.

Good & Welfare

First Selectman Mailhos presented the monthly crime report from Troop C. She reminded residents that most of the activity happens on the highway that runs through town.

16 Accidents

17 Criminal Investigations

0 Burglaries

2 Larcenies

600 Non-reportable Matters

3 DUI’s

240 Traffic Citations

57 Written Warnings.

If anyone is interested in sigining up to ride the bus into Hartford on Tuesday, February 28th, please contact the Selectmen’s Office at 860-487-3100

Selectman Kowalyshyn moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 P.M.

Selectman Blessington seconded the motion.

Vote:  2 Yes (Mailhos & Blessington) 0 No.


Respectfully submitted,
Robin Campbell
Administrative Assistant