Town Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2017




                                        November 1, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.     

First Selectman, Christina Mailhos read the call of the meeting and asked for nominations for a moderator. Bob Shabot  made a motion to appoint Kim Kowalyshyn as moderator and was seconded by Phil Monty.

Motion carried.

Item I

Should the townspeople adopt an Adult Oriented Business Ordinance for the Town of Willington?  

A motion was made by Erika Wiecenski and seconded by Phil Monty to approve Item I.

Discussion followed.

Christina explained the purpose of this ordinance.  It would replace the current town’s entertainment ordinance.  The town attorney stated 45 to 50 towns in Connecticut have already adopted this ordinance. It will limit the places available for adult businesses, which would have to be located 1000ft from residential zoning, schools, churches, playgrounds and etc.  P&Z will have to step away and decide on what type of live entertainment would be allowed.

A resident stated it’s impossible to have a business in town, do not use the power of the town to govern the businesses on what they can or can not do. Another resident commented we are going back in the dark ages.  

The state has no interest in getting involved in the process.

The question was called by Phil Monty and seconded by Laurie Semprebon. Question carried.

Vote was taken 46 yes 39 no.

Motion carried.


Item II

Should the townspeople amend the Town of Willington Transfer Station Ordinance to implement a permit fee?

A motion was made by Kelly Trueb and seconded by Phil Monty to approve Item II.

Christina addressed the reasoning for this ordinance, which was to start charging a fee for the transfer station.~ The idea for this came out of meetings about the lack of a state budget and the fact that Willington was facing a significant revenue shortfall.~ Since the state budget passed yesterday, she recommends a “no” vote.

Question was asked on why vote on this now. Due to the fact the budget has passed, should this be tabled and looked at a future time.

Residents are very concerned about people dumping their garbage on the sides of the town roads if there is charge for the transfer station.  A suggestion was made to look into charging nonresidents a fee to use the towns transfer station for additional revenue.


Aliza Makuch called the question and seconded by Peter Tanaka. Question was carried.

The vote was taken on the motion and failed by a unanimous no vote.

Motion failed.


A motion was made by Bob Jellen and seconded by Stephanie Summers to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Donna J. Hardie

Willington Town Clerk

Dated  November 6, 2017